How to Navigate Instagram

If you’re new to Instagram, you might be wondering how to navigate the interface. There are many options available, including the New posts button and the Shop tab. But how do you use these tools effectively? Here are some tips:


You can now create your own reels on Instagram. These videos can be as long as 60 seconds. Instagram users can use their original audio or record their own with a separate app. The reels can also be captioned with text or hashtags. Once you have uploaded your reel, it will automatically be shared on Explore. Adding a caption to the video can help it go viral on Instagram. Here are some steps to creating your own reels:

New posts button

The “New posts” button is a recent addition to the photo-sharing app Instagram. Before, the feed was refreshed automatically and this often led to missed updates. The new button is a simple way to manually refresh your feed and see the latest posts from your friends and followers. You can also opt to turn off the automatic refresh and continue scrolling through your feed as usual. However, users should be aware that the new feature won’t replace the chronological feed, which still remains the most convenient option.

Commenting on posts

Increasing the number of comments on posts on Instagram can be a significant part of your marketing strategy. Not only does Instagram help you engage with customers, it can also tell a story. With so many users using the platform, getting as many comments on your posts is crucial to your marketing strategy. Read on to learn how to get more Instagram comments! Here are a few tips to get you started. Here’s a quick list of some of the top tips to increase comments on your Instagram posts

Shop tab

The Shop tab on Instagram is a new way to purchase items without leaving the platform. Users can click a photo to view more information, and then purchase it without leaving the app. Instagram will take a percentage of the sale, which will likely mean millions of dollars in new revenue for the social media platform. To view the shop tab, users must first log in to their account. Click the bag icon at the bottom of the screen to access suggested products. Press on a product photo to see more information, including pricing and descriptions. A similar feature is available for products from the same shop.

Poll stickers

Instagram Poll Stickers give you the ability to create a simple poll in Direct Messages (DM).

Since the platform is all about community, it makes sense that it would improve this part of the app. It makes it easier to connect with other users and foster better understanding of your audience. The best part is that you can use the stickers with any type of DM content, from selfies to contest prizes. Regardless of the topic you’re promoting, Instagram Poll Stickers are a great way to reach new audiences.

Messages icon

The Messages icon on Instagram is a convenient way to send and receive messages from friends and family. Instagram will only show the people you’re following if they’ve seen your message, so it’s a good idea to check to see if they’ve read your latest message before sending it to anyone else. If you have a lot of people you want to communicate with, you can find them in your Messages tab by tapping on their usernames.
